Welcome to 6K Soap

Welcome to 6K Soap

I’m Candace Froese, and I thought I’d share about my venture into the world of soap making.

Years ago, I decided to try my hand at making soap for family and friends. To my surprise, the more soap I made, the more people came back with repeated requests for different varieties. Everyone loved it! My enterprising husband, Nick, started pestering me about turning my soap into a business (which sounded like a terrible idea). Who could possibly succeed selling soap from the middle of nowhere on a farm at the top of Bluenose Mountain?  

Somewhere along the way, Nick decided to build our store at the farm where we could showcase what he grows. Being the tenacious person he is, he persevered in convincing me to add handmade soaps to his lineup of meat, eggs, and honey, and that was an idea I could get behind.

Life so often unfolds in unexpected was, and such was the case when in the course of building Nick managed to fall off the roof of the store and sustain a life-changing injury. Our fledgling business idea was shelved as Nick was flat on his back for a long recovery.

Well, I did say Nick was tenacious, because while he had nothing better to do than rest and recover in bed, he started pestering me to open up an online store to sell soap. Now, anyone that knows me very well knows how much I struggle with all things computer, internet, and social media, so this prospect sounded like another terrible idea on a long list of responsibilities I was facing with no way to pay bills.

I did what most women do when confronted with life altering events, I called my friend, Michelle. She talked me off the ceiling, believed in me, and came for three weeks to help out  with the kids and the farm. In her spare time she built our first website and set up our social media. It was in those three weeks that 6K Soap became a reality.

As they say, the rest is history! My phone  started dinging and hasn’t stopped since, as orders roll in, alerting me to just how many people believe in me, my soap, our family, and our remote farm in the middle of nowhere. Nick recovered (mostly), our online presence skyrocketed, and I now sell our soaps both online and in our beautiful farm store here on Bluenose Mountain.

What makes 6K Soaps special? They contain a whole lot of love grown on the farm with pasture raised beef tallow and lard. We support other local farms and ranches also in remote places by buying their lard and tallow for our ever increasing need for ingredients to sustain the high demand for our unique products.

Our family connects with our community in a meaningful way through our loyal customers.  We all reap countless blessings in knowing customers appreciate the care I put into each bar of soap. We work together to produce everything grown here on the farm, and that kind of growth in our family cannot be measured in numbers.

I am deeply grateful for all I have learned on this journey, humbled by Nick’s vision and tenacity, and incredibly inspired that you’re a part of the journey for this soap company at the top of Bluenose Mountain!


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1 comment

Dear Candace,
Thank you for sharing your beautiful and successful story. I finally got to put a face to the creator of 6K Soap company! You look wonderful! Your determination and fantastic family have made it through against all odds. Bravo! and congratulations. All that effort paid off with tremendous rewards. I’m proud to carry your incredible products at my Salon in Ucluelet. As I said before,
Clients come from far away to load their suitcases with your fabulous array of handcrafted products, which are handmade with love and goodness. With our warmest wishes and all the best for 2025, we love you! Adriana

Adriana Lefrancois

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